Sunday, September 22, 2024

Age of AI

AI has had an increasing effect on society as we know it. AI has impacted work, school, transportation, and even daily life. The Age of AI documentary showed the effects that AI has had both negative and positive. 

The documentary opened with a game, Alpha Go, which was a deep learning intelligence that taught itself to play video games better than humans could. This Chinese game was coming up with new moves that the human mind couldn't fathom. Alpha Go opened people's eyes to the possible success and impact that AI could have on society. 

After Alpha Go, China began a plan to chase the AI future. Their plan includes catching up to the United States by 2025 and ruling the world in 2030. China leads the world and e-commerce. They have technology that has drones delivering packages, and currency revolving around facial recognition technology. There is also a lot of talk about self-driving vehicles in China. Although the United States is currently ahead in this, China thinks they will popularize it. Lastly, almost everything in China is on phones which gives them a lot of data. This will be helpful to them to start up AI. 

The documentary includes "promises" of AI. The first is the replacement of human drivers. Commercial goods were being driven on Interstate 10 and there is a driver in the car but the car is driving itself. The idea of self-driving vehicles could try and solve traffic fatalities. However, we have seen the issues that cars like Tesla's have caused with faulty technology so there is still a lot to learn and perfect before the world relies on self-driving vehicles. Another promise involved cancer treatment. Scientists are trying to figure out why cancer is not able to be caught earlier on. Deep learning teaches computers how to understand data which could possibly be used to predict early cancer. 

The biggest thing that caught my eye in the documentary was the future of work. AI has the ability to disturb the labor force. There are multiple uses of AI that could lead to the displacement of human jobs. It is also likely that white-collar jobs could be gone faster than blue-collar jobs. This is because white-collar jobs are easier to take because they are quantitative and could be replaced by a software whereas blue-collar jobs require hand-eye coordination.

Overall, AI is promising to the improvement of some things in our society while also threatening some parts. The future of AI is unknown and we do not yet know the full effect it will have. 

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